Monday, March 5, 2012

Influenster Love VoxBox

So, I just recently signed up for a site called Influenster. You earn badges according to the things you like to do/have/ect and are sent boxes of things to try. If you have cats, write a blog, do youtube, or even just like using your android a bit too much... there's a Voxbox out there just for you. 

In February, I received an email that told me they would be sending me my very first one. Soooooo super happy. Did I forget to mention all of this is sent to you free of charge??

Anyway, when I got home from work today it was sitting on my table. My brother was so kind to open it and rifle through for me, but needless to say I'm still pretty happy.

So according to the card this is all that's supposed to be in it:

Gillette Venus & Olay Razor: $8.99 - $10.99
Kiss Nail Dress - Fashion That Sticks: $6.99
Stash Tea Herbal Tea Sampler: $3.50
Ghirardelli Gourmet Milk Creamy Devotion Bar: $2.99
Truvia Natural Sweetner: $3.99 (40ct)

As you can see from my box, I didn't get the Kiss Nail Dress. I'm pretty sure that was an oversight on Influenster's part. But hey, I didn't pay for it so I can't complain. I wasn't familiar with the brand and I'm not crazy gung-ho about nail stuff anyway. 

Since I'm familiar with the rest of the brands, I feel giving a first impression of them is alright.

Gillette Venus & Olay Razor: Venus brand razors are great! I've used them since the beginning of shaving time. Now that they've added Olay to the mix I'm rather excited to try it. With spring right around the corner, my legs thank you Influenster. 

Stash Tea Sampler:  All I have to say is WOO! I love tea and Stash is one of my go to brands when I'm perusing the tea/coffee aisle. I've never tried any of the flavors in the box however, so I feel tonight may be a hot tea kind of night. It's supposed to snow anyway... I'll need something hot to drink :)

Ghiradelli Bar: While I've had my share of chocolate from them in the past, I know I've never had "Dark Milk" chocolate. I'm pretty interested in seeing what it'll taste like. Hummm wonder if it'll go well with hot tea, lol. 

Truvia: Admittedly, I've never tried Truvia. I'm a hardcore Spelnda fan so I haven't felt the need to try the new stevia plant derived sweeteners. I guess I'll add some to my coffee tomorrow morning to see if I can detect any significant difference between the two. 

So that about wraps up my first impressions. Be sure to look for more in-depth reviews later in the week once I've had a chance to try everything. If you're interested, check out the video below for a look at un-boxing my Lovebox :)

See you all soon! <3 Amber

** NOTE: After two days guess what popped up! The Kiss Nail Dress happened to show up underneath a cabinet in my kitchen. My brother must have dropped it when he was rifling through the box. Oh well.. Keep an eye out for a review of that.

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